And the winners are . . .

We had eleven applications for the Travel Award this year, and we have selected two winners. The video below illustrates the random selection process and reveals our two winners. They are (drumroll, please): Hang Wu of McGill University and Xiuhe Zhang of UCSB. Congratulations to the winners! Awards will be available for pick up at the annual SIG meeting: Tuesday, April 2, 3:15, Director’s Row G, Lobby Level, Plaza Building. We will also announce the annual Student Essay Prize winner at that meeting, plus network, kvetch, and establish new aims for the group for 2020. Hope to see you all there.

Please join me in thanking co-chair Karen Ritzenhoff for her generous donation of $100, which enabled us to offer a second travel award this year. With website hosting expenses due, we would only have been able to sponsor one travel award, otherwise. So, thank you Karen!